Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Alpha and Omega Trailer

I've barely had time to see actual movies in theaters this summer, but what few I've seen have been enjoyable. I'm looking forward to seeing Inception, and I thoroughly enjoyed The A-Team. But perhaps my two favorite movies of the summer have been Disney-Pixar's Toy Story 3, and the recently released Despicable Me. They're testaments to the fact that great animated films can be considered great on a purely cinematic level, as well as on a toon level. Toy Story's awesomeness levels were no surprise, given that it was a Pixar film. Despicable Me proved that other companies can make great animated films as well. And they could keep coming; Dreamworks' Megamind looks like it could have some great wit to it, and hopefully the same charm that they got with recent films Kung Fu Panda and How To Train Your Dragon will return.

Then we have trailers for films like...Alpha and Omega.

See, I'm tempted to do a Dennis Hopper know, how ever since Mario, he's been in nothing but bad movies, but I think I'd rather point out that this film, like Cats & Dogs, is going the "it's pawsome...cause they have paws!" route.

I'm just gonna call it right now: this film is going to be bad. The entire plot seems to be built around forcing in a bunch of "the parents will get it, but the kids (hopefully) won't!" humor. A type of humor that only works when it is subtle and clever. This film...looks like none of that. Even the animation looks boring. Generic-looking characters in generic looking environments with boring-ass boring levels of boring.

It feels weird to put this up, since it's such a short game, but...I feel the need to drink to even bear watching the trailer again. And why not branch out a little bit from the norm? Bring up Youtube, get a bottle of something ready, and prepare to die. This is the Alpha and Omega trailer drinking game.

Watch the trailer here. 

Prepare your glasses. Have a bunch of them ready, cause this is gonna go fast.

DRINK every time that there is a reference to butts or bathroom humor.

Die of alcohol poisoning.

It's just sad that some movies have to rely on that humor to sell. It's even worse when you don't even have any intelligent gags in the whole movie, and thus need to rely on it in the trailers as well. But hey, that's why we drink. To forget.

Thanks for taking a round of Glasses Shots; 5 shots for every 1 that you can tolerate. Good night, geeks.

 Okay, maybe not all the film's animation looks boring. Look at that one on the left. That is what we call "terrifying".

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