Monday, May 10, 2010


Alright, so two weeks ago (yes, I know, I'm supposed to have a new post every week...I was just busy, and...if you keep criticizing...I swear, I will leave you!), I posted a non-too-flattering review/drinking-game for James Cameron's Avatar. Later, after perhaps indulging in the game myself, I went on a drunken tirade against Cameron, and, in my intoxication, stated that I would stop him from ever creating this film, which threatens to doom all future film-making.
Fortunately, I found the capability to do so in an old abandoned warehouse that happened to be behind my apartment. Yes, folks, I discovered a time-machine.
Utilizing its power, I warped back in time to prevent James Cameron's mother from ever giving birth to him. Unfortunately, one of those creepy dorks who have decided to worship the Na'Vi and Eywa and Yoda and all that came back in time as well, with the intent to stop me. Even more unfortunately, he managed to stop me. I managed to escape back to my own time, with my life.
The downside to the adventure is that movie-making could still be doomed. The upside is that Mrs. Cameron told her son James about the story, and it gave him a pretty good story idea, which he would later turn into a movie: the 1984 classic, Terminator. Even better, that movie also lends itself to some pretty awesome drinking.
 Ah'm gonna take a shot...lollerskates!
In case you don't know (and I pity you), The Terminator is commonly renowned as one of the greatest films of all time. Mind-bending and kick-ass, it's the iconic Ahnold Schwarzenahgger movie. It's basically the Governator and Michael Biehn blasting the shit out of each other for a good, long movie. And you get to see Linda Hamilton naked. Good times.
The plot is also a sci-fi dream. Robots of the future, ruling our kind, send back the most dangerous cyborg possible (Schwarzenegger) to eliminate Sarah Connor (Hamilton), so that she will not give birth to her son, the future savior of humanity. Fortunately, the humans send back their own agent (Biehn) to stop the Terminator and save Sarah. Pure awesome.
With the constant action and amazing 80's feel (the Technoir...yeah, I go to those when I want to get down), it is just so open for drinking. Enjoy!

 Not if I take it first!
Drink whenever:-Ahnold says something
-Someone steals a car. Take a small shot when someone steals a motorbike. Take two if someone takes a semi.
-Every gun that someone goes through. They go through a lot.

Recommended drink:
Either go along with Ahnold's transformation (take something clear like Vodka and segway to something red, like a Cran-Citron, after he gets the iconic Terminator eye). Or you could make what is called the Terminator (Jagermeister and Southern Comfort).

Enjoy, and stick around for next week. I'll be...returning.
Be careful when can't take as much as a cyborg.

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