Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Boondock Saints

In a little bit of a late honors of St. Patrick's Day (I'm only off by a week), I present to you a drinking game for Troy Duffy's "The Boondock Saints."

Now, "The Boondock Saints" is already a classic installment in the franchise of drinking films. The traditional version involves taking a shot every time that a character says "fuck". With it's 246 uses of the word, it's no surprise that viewers are hammered around the 30-minute mark. Aided by the unbelievable lull that the movie hits around the halfway point, I'm pretty certain that most people are asleep by the end.

Playing the same old drinking game is also dull, though, so here are a couple suggestions for different ways to drink your way to happiness.

Take a shot:

-Every time that there is a fade-out. You'll actually be wasted by the end of the opening credits.

-Every time that one of the brothers' 'Irish accents' slips.

-Anytime that, despite this movie being hinged on the "Suspension of Disbelief" principle, you still can't help thinking "Bullshit." (I'll accept swinging from a rope and taking out 8 gangsters...back-alley deaths in a dangerous Boston Neighborhood on St. Patrick's Day not only making the front page of the Boston Herald, but also instantly dragging in FBI investigators? Say it with me now, in an Irish accent, if you please. Bull-sheet. And don't get me started on Willem Dafoe's convincing disguise...if you haven't seen the movie, you'll know it when you see it.)

Recommended Drink:

Nothing too heavy, but nothing too light either. It's not quite as much as the "fuck" version, but it's still a considerable amount of alcohol going into your system. Play to your weight. Maybe go with something Irish, in honor of the movie's love. Or maybe vodka, to commemorate the Russians that are being slaughtered.

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