Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How This Is Gonna Go Down

Giving you the basic premise in a first post: this is a website devoted to establishing drinking games, based on movies, video-games, music, or simple activities, many of which are along the lines of something geeky or nerdy.

As such, I feel it only appropriate to start with off with this recommendation: read this entry, and take a shot of some sort of drink every time that I use the word 'shot,' 'alcohol,' or 'drinking game.'

Exactly What Is This?
As iterated at the top, this is a blog devoted to bringing readers such as you drinking games
(drink). In case you aren't aware, drinking games (drink) are a form of entertainment during which participants watch a movie, TV show, or anything along those lines. At certain, predefined points, participants will take a shot (drink) of some sort of alcohol (drink), usually harder varieties.
For example, one very popular drinking game
(drink) is to watch The Boondock Saints, and take a shot (drink) every time that a character drops the f-bomb. Most viewers are unconscious by the 30-minute mark, which might explain why everyone thinks that that movie is such a masterpiece.

Why make this blog?
Well, for one thing, these games can be pretty awesome. For example, my friends and I actually played one based on Nickelodeon cartoon "Avatar: the Last Airbender," for my 21st birthday party. It was pretty awesome, actually. It also just goes to show how far the realm of drinking games
(drink) can go. I mean, there's potential for a "Dora the Explorer" drinking game for Pete's sake!
Drinking games (drink) aren't just a way to get wasted, though. They're a way to make commentary, note specific film-making and acting styles, and even rip apart shows and movies for their flaws.

Anything I Should Know Before Playing the Games?
First off, I'm just gonna put out the disclaimer here: these are mostly joking. Many of the games involved are going to involve absurd amounts of drinking. I am not saying that you should not play any of the games, but I am asking that you use discretion. I am not taking responsibility for anything that might happen. I don't want to get people suing me because Jimmy Frat-boy here had to go to the hospital, because he watched "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" and took a shot (drink) every time that John Connor is a complete moron, as opposed to the badass savior that he's supposed to become. He should have known his limits. You should probably be more concerned that Jimmy was watching that piece of shit in the first place.
On that note, it should be noted that this blog will contain language, sexual references, and perhaps even some violent descriptions of what should be done to Kevin Smith for what he did in "Clerks II." (Hint: I did not like that movie.) As such, anyone who is very young or innocent, please leave the building now.
After all, this is, as well, a site with much basis in alcohol (drink). Please, be as law-abiding as possible. I am not going to take responsibility if some 13 year old punk decided to be cool and play one of these games with a bottle of
Jägermeister. Please drink responsibly.
Lastly, enjoy this site. And feel free to leave me comments and suggestions. Input is always a welcome thing.

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