Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Super Mario

Right Nintendo players, both past and present, it is time to bust out a gaming system and play a Mario drinking game.

 Itsa time to a-put-a on-a my drinking cap!

There is only one rule for drinking in a Mario game: drink every time that Mario (or any other playable character) falls down a pit.

This may sound like too simple of a game, but the complexity lies in the vicious cycle that it presents. You have to consider that it includes those who are playing the game.

Thus, once Mario falls down a pit, not only will those happy little "you died" chords play, but the player will take a shot. And then they will fall down another. And take a shot. And then, the alcohol will lead them down another pit. To take another shot. To increase the chances of falling down a pit. To take a shot.

I am begging you that you pass out at some point. This is easily one of those games that could result in death.

 You're going to want to drink now, anyway, to forget this horror.

Recommended games: Any one that has multiplayer, so that more people jump down more pits. Especially recommended is the recent "New Super Mario Bros Wii", in which the multiplayer happens at the same time. 4 players at one time=much falling=much alcohol=much fun.

Enjoy, and mamma mia, please play safe.

Recommended drink: Something italian. Maybe wine. That way it'll also be safer. Trust me, it just requires a buzz, and then stuff will get awesome.

Thank you so much for to playing my game!

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