Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Avatar: The Last Airbender

The day of reckoning has come. Will the sky be turned blood-red as we watch our world go up in flames, or will the sky glow blue as we cheer in victory? This day was foretold, perhaps not this soon, but it was foretold! The day has arrived; M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender, has arrived.


I'll say this much: I loved the original show. Loved it. It's perhaps my favorite television show of all time, and is one of several things, including Star Wars, Terminator, and Harry Potter that I insist everyone experience. And everyone that I have shown it to has gotten into it. Except my cat. My cat did not mind that much.

In case you're unfamiliar, the show is a Nickelodeon cartoon about a 12-year old boy...alright, seriously, I'm being serious, just stick with me. The show takes place in a world where every nation controls one of the four elements (water, earth, fire, and air) and follows Aang, a 12-year old boy who must fulfill his role as the Avatar, a guardian of the whole world, by defeating the ruthless Fire Nation. The twist? Aang has been frozen for 100 years, thus giving the Fire Nation a pretty good start on taking over the whole world. Add on to that a determined prince attempting to capture Aang, and you have one of the simplest, and best, plots of anything in this past decade.

Simply put, the show kicks ass. Major ass. The animation is spectacular, the plot is a fantasy with a timeless feel, the humor is enough to keep even adults smiling, and the fight sequences are absolutely beautiful. Again, this is one of the greatest TV shows of all time, no doubt.

And everything that's great deserves drinking!

After all, why just enjoy something when you could enjoy it with alcohol?

Let's all act 21 around a show for kids!

 Get ready to liver bend!

Now, the drinking game for this show is more like the Plan 9 game; everyone playing chooses a different character that they will drink for. Once chosen, players drink only to their appropriate moment. Now, let the games begin!

Aang (the Avatar/Last Airbender, and the main protagonist):
Drink every time that he breaks stuff or enters the Avatar State.

Katara (Waterbender, and one of Aang's loyal friends)
Drink every time that she talks about hope or friendship or love or her mother.

Sokka (Katara's brother, fierce warrior, comic relief)
Every time that the universe screws him over, or that he mentions food.

Zuko (Fire Nation prince and Aang's nemesis)
Every time that he uses the word "honor," "Avatar," "father," or "uncle."

Iroh (Zuko's Uncle/the Mr. Miyagi of the series)
Any time that he is awesome. You are dying of alcohol poisoning.
Or, seriously, if he mentions tea or kicks someone's ass.

Toph (Earthbender who teams up with Aang; comes later, so this is only valid for Seasons 2 and 3)
Anytime a blind reference is made. By anyone.

Momo and Appa (Aang's pet lemur and flying bison (seriously), respectively)
Anytime that Momo steals or nabs something or we see a close up of his eyes. For Appa, every time that he growls.

Finally, a requirement for everyone.
Drink anytime that something happens to your character that just makes you go "OUCH!" And yes, Aang, you do have to drink at the start of every episode.

I'm actually pretty excited for Shyamalan's film. I have the feeling that critics won't love it so much, but who cares? They hated the A-Team. (Like, the writing and plot weren't great film-making there, but I had fun...and that's what matters). So I am going to go, and I will enjoy this film. And if I don't, I will go back home and rewatch the original cartoon with my friends. And get plastered while doing so. To forget.

Have a good night, and remember that I believe that Glasses Shots can save the world.

I don't need any calming shots! I need to capture the Avatar!

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