Thursday, June 3, 2010

Plan 9 From Outer Space

My friends, tonight, in the future, you shall enjoy yet another drinking game. Eventually you will play this game, in the future, and it will affect your futures. My friends, I shall warn you; the testimony of we who have seen it, including me, shows that this film is stupid. Stupid stupid. And yet you shall watch it in the future, for that is when you do stuff not now. My friends, prepare to drink your way through "GRAVE ROBBERS PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE!"

 I think some people could honestly take shots at just the cover.
This film is the definition of craptastic. The only redeeming qualities in this movie are those qualities that equal suck. It is my understanding that Ed Wood's film is actually what Einstein's Theory of Relativity symbolizes. Don't believe me? See the math yourself:

And if you think that I just did atrocities to Physics...see the movie. I cannot spoil you on the pure...pain that the film's science will force you through.

And seeing the movie is, again, not too difficult. Hunt it down online, see if you can find an old DVD somewhere, or, if you have Netflix (I should really just sign a sponsorship deal with them, I endorse them so much), you can instantly stream it.
Now, this game is played a little differently than others. After all, there is so much crap worth drinking to, that any normal person would die of alcohol poisoning from drinking water to it. Thus, it is divided into different sections. Each person chooses a different section before playing, and then drinks accordingly.

Drink every time that he informs us of something that either is redundant or completely ignores the "show, don't tell" rule of writing.
Recommended for: Anyone who wants to be drunk right at the start.

Drink every time that the spaceship goes flying through the sky. And ONLY the sky. That is enough. If you want to drink double, every time that it shows the spaceship in general. Also, take a double any time that the string holding the ship up is really, really obvious.
Recommended for: Someone who likes alcohol.

Drink every time that the aliens call humans "idiots," "morons," "stupid," or any other synonym. And if, say, they use the same word three times in a row...that's three shots.
Recommended for: All of you...IDIOTS!!!!!!!! who want to start drinking a little later in the show.

Drink every time that someone mentions some sort of gizmo or other. Electrode, Dictorobitery, or, my personal favorite, the Decomposure Beam.
Recommended for: Another late gamer. Not a designated driver.

Drink every time that it switches between day and night in a scene.
Recommended for: No one. You will die.

That's all for tonight. Prepare to be wowed by the pure majesty of Ed Wood. As for me, I must be off, but I will write up a new the future!
I don't think we'll see them again, but there could be others like them....

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