Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blade Runner

In the year 2019, Earth enters a really weird and messed-up, yet shockingly realistic, time. A time in which the rain never stops, robots can almost perfectly pass for humans, and Harrison Ford narrates in an intentionally drab and dull voice. Yes, skin-jobs, it's time to kick a couple back and watch Ridley Scott's Blade Runner.
 Classic, iconic poster...

The film is an odd and intriguing combination of film-noir and science-fiction. A detective story set in the distant future (or at least, distant for the film's release year, 1982...nowadays, 2019 seems right around the corner). Rick Deckard is a retired blade runner (basically a cool futurey term for a cop) who is called back on when several androids, known as replicants, infiltrate Earth. Deckard's mission is to find these potentially dangerous individuals and put them into their own retirement. Meanwhile, we watch as the replicants slowly reveal why they came to Earth in the first place. It taps perfectly into its film genres; the mystery and personal examination of Ford's Deckard perfectly mirrors the introverted minds of your typical Humphrey Bogart. On the other hand, the so-obscure-that-they-couldn't-have-any-practical-application-to-us-and-yet-why-can-I-identify-with-these-themes-so-much nature brings to mind some of the greatest science fiction, such as the works of Asimov or Scott Card.

Also, Harrison Ford drinks. A lot.

Which brings us to the actual point of this blog: drinking! And how it can make movies so much more entertaining!

 This is one, er, shot that many people will recognize. George Lucas stole it for the Star Wars prequels.

Now, one of the problems that you might encounter with getting your hands on and enjoying this film is just how many versions there are. It essentially boils down to two: the original theatrical cut, and the director's cut. However, these two movies are so so so different, that many consider them different movies. Now, I've only seen the theatrical cut, and as I understand, it is best to watch that one first, and then see the director's version. Or maybe it was the other way round?...Hell, let's just get out hands on a copy and drink.

There is one constant between the films, though: Deckard's drinking.

And thus, the rule is as follows:


For added rules, take a shot every time that Harrison Ford monologues (theatrical version only), every time that Gaff makes an origami animal, and every time that Roy Batty kisses someone. Smmmmooooooch.

But seriously, you'll be fine with just the first one.

Recommended drink: Whatever you can find around the house. Or maybe some more sake. After all, everything is Japanese in the future.

Enjoy drinking! And if you start seeing things, like, say, a tortoise walking across your floor...don't flip it upside down. It won't like that. Plus, humans wouldn't do that.

The only thing I let interrupt my eating is drinking...and lots of it!

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