Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back-to-College Conversations

Hey guys, I'm back! It's been a semi-rough month, which is why there was a lack of updates. But now that college is starting up again, I, oddly, have a bit more time!

Unfortunately, much of the time that I spent over the past bunch of weeks did not involve viewing any films or anything; mostly work. However, I'll entertain you for a little as I compile more material, with a unique drinking game known as the "Back-to-College Conversations Drinking Game."

Because it is just that time of year. When everyone starts school again. And everyone has the same set of talks over and over and over and over and over and OVER again!

Seriously, how many times do you have to say where you're living? Especially if you live in an actual apartment or house, and thus haven't moved?

So, enjoy the "Back-to-College Conversations Drinking Game".

To play the game, you're going to need a drink that you can carry around at all times. Or a notepad. Either take a gulp of your drink or make a mark on your notepad any time that any of the following happens:

-- Someone says that they haven't seen someone else in a while.
-- Someone says that "we should totally hang out."
-- Someone complains about how many credits they're taking.
-- Someone says where they're living now.
-- People agree to meet at the school cafeteria.
-- Someone complains about book prices.
-- Someone recommends joining a club (two if it's "to meet new people")

Take two if you are involved in any of these.

Later, gather with your group of friends. Figure out how many strikes/gulps you have taken over the day, and everyone must drink that much beer.

Furthermore, as the night goes on, take shots when certain things pop up in conversation.

-- Complaints about schedule.
-- Love for schedule.
-- Complaints about a professor.
-- Love for a professor.
-- A liberal arts major talks about how much they're going to have to write.
-- A science major mentions their workload for this semester (+1 if it's in the amount of credits they're taking)
-- Someone complains that they want the semester to be over.

Hang out, meet again, greet again, drink again. Drinking is a social lubricant, after all. Have fun, and welcome back students! Summer is, in the non-technical sense, over, but the games have just begun.

This is not a drinking game. This is just drinking.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Alpha and Omega Trailer

I've barely had time to see actual movies in theaters this summer, but what few I've seen have been enjoyable. I'm looking forward to seeing Inception, and I thoroughly enjoyed The A-Team. But perhaps my two favorite movies of the summer have been Disney-Pixar's Toy Story 3, and the recently released Despicable Me. They're testaments to the fact that great animated films can be considered great on a purely cinematic level, as well as on a toon level. Toy Story's awesomeness levels were no surprise, given that it was a Pixar film. Despicable Me proved that other companies can make great animated films as well. And they could keep coming; Dreamworks' Megamind looks like it could have some great wit to it, and hopefully the same charm that they got with recent films Kung Fu Panda and How To Train Your Dragon will return.

Then we have trailers for films like...Alpha and Omega.

See, I'm tempted to do a Dennis Hopper know, how ever since Mario, he's been in nothing but bad movies, but I think I'd rather point out that this film, like Cats & Dogs, is going the "it's pawsome...cause they have paws!" route.

I'm just gonna call it right now: this film is going to be bad. The entire plot seems to be built around forcing in a bunch of "the parents will get it, but the kids (hopefully) won't!" humor. A type of humor that only works when it is subtle and clever. This film...looks like none of that. Even the animation looks boring. Generic-looking characters in generic looking environments with boring-ass boring levels of boring.

It feels weird to put this up, since it's such a short game, but...I feel the need to drink to even bear watching the trailer again. And why not branch out a little bit from the norm? Bring up Youtube, get a bottle of something ready, and prepare to die. This is the Alpha and Omega trailer drinking game.

Watch the trailer here. 

Prepare your glasses. Have a bunch of them ready, cause this is gonna go fast.

DRINK every time that there is a reference to butts or bathroom humor.

Die of alcohol poisoning.

It's just sad that some movies have to rely on that humor to sell. It's even worse when you don't even have any intelligent gags in the whole movie, and thus need to rely on it in the trailers as well. But hey, that's why we drink. To forget.

Thanks for taking a round of Glasses Shots; 5 shots for every 1 that you can tolerate. Good night, geeks.

 Okay, maybe not all the film's animation looks boring. Look at that one on the left. That is what we call "terrifying".

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Remember when Robert Zemeckis was actually producing movies that were enjoyable and just well-made flicks such as Back to the Future, before he turned to films using actors to make animation that looks just like the actors but then why don't you just use the actors instead having a creepy Tom Hanks-esque doll thing in our faces and leading animation fans such as myself to drink in copious amounts? Well, there was that time. Before all the Beowulf and A Christmas Carol crap, he actually churned out some impressive stuff. The aforementioned Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, and one of my personal favorites, Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
Look! Cartoons that look like cartoons! People played by people!

This is a very hard film to get into; it's just that bizarre. After all, it features mostly live-action sets and such, except that cartoon characters are also everywhere. And everyone's just okay with it! Even weirder is the fact that Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny are together for a shot. Disney really pulled out all the stops to get more cartoon characters than just their own in.
Yet for all the weirdness and goofiness that the film seems to carry, it is, at heart, a dark comedy/murder-mystery. And that's just part of what makes it so great. Seeing these goofy cartoon characters be thrust into situations that are at times just downright terrifying is...well, kinda like old cartoons.
The performances are also solid. Most notable are Christopher Lloyd as the villain, Judge Doom, and Bob Hoskins as our hero, Eddie Valiant, a down-on-his-luck, hard-boiled detective with a drinking problem.
Watching him drink though just makes you all the thirstier for your own alcohol. This is just a plain fun movie, and, as always, it has it's little quirks to notice. Hence why I present to you the Who Framed Roger Rabbit drinking game!

Jessica Rabbit: the reason toons deserve to walk amongst men.

I've got several ways to play the game. I'd recommend the medium, but you can go any of the other ways depending on how your tolerance is.

LIGHT DRINKERS: DRINK WHENEVER Goofy is mentioned or seen. Two shots if he actually shows up in person.

MEDIUM DRINKERS: DRINK WHENEVER someone drinks. Just keep watching Eddie.
DRINK WHENEVER there is a classic cartoon gag used. Such as the portable holes, birds around the head, or the hilarious "You do, I don't" scene.

HEAVY DRINKERS: DRINK WHENVER a cartoon interacts with live-action, such as bumping into people, splashing water, lifting a skirt in passing, knocking over their bench, etc. Seriously, Zemeckis really tries to shove the effects in your face.

A word of advice: should one of your friends go ballistic and trash the whole room after their shot...don't let them have a second.

And th-th-th-that's all folks!

Don't play this game and drive, kids.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Avatar: The Last Airbender

The day of reckoning has come. Will the sky be turned blood-red as we watch our world go up in flames, or will the sky glow blue as we cheer in victory? This day was foretold, perhaps not this soon, but it was foretold! The day has arrived; M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender, has arrived.


I'll say this much: I loved the original show. Loved it. It's perhaps my favorite television show of all time, and is one of several things, including Star Wars, Terminator, and Harry Potter that I insist everyone experience. And everyone that I have shown it to has gotten into it. Except my cat. My cat did not mind that much.

In case you're unfamiliar, the show is a Nickelodeon cartoon about a 12-year old boy...alright, seriously, I'm being serious, just stick with me. The show takes place in a world where every nation controls one of the four elements (water, earth, fire, and air) and follows Aang, a 12-year old boy who must fulfill his role as the Avatar, a guardian of the whole world, by defeating the ruthless Fire Nation. The twist? Aang has been frozen for 100 years, thus giving the Fire Nation a pretty good start on taking over the whole world. Add on to that a determined prince attempting to capture Aang, and you have one of the simplest, and best, plots of anything in this past decade.

Simply put, the show kicks ass. Major ass. The animation is spectacular, the plot is a fantasy with a timeless feel, the humor is enough to keep even adults smiling, and the fight sequences are absolutely beautiful. Again, this is one of the greatest TV shows of all time, no doubt.

And everything that's great deserves drinking!

After all, why just enjoy something when you could enjoy it with alcohol?

Let's all act 21 around a show for kids!

 Get ready to liver bend!

Now, the drinking game for this show is more like the Plan 9 game; everyone playing chooses a different character that they will drink for. Once chosen, players drink only to their appropriate moment. Now, let the games begin!

Aang (the Avatar/Last Airbender, and the main protagonist):
Drink every time that he breaks stuff or enters the Avatar State.

Katara (Waterbender, and one of Aang's loyal friends)
Drink every time that she talks about hope or friendship or love or her mother.

Sokka (Katara's brother, fierce warrior, comic relief)
Every time that the universe screws him over, or that he mentions food.

Zuko (Fire Nation prince and Aang's nemesis)
Every time that he uses the word "honor," "Avatar," "father," or "uncle."

Iroh (Zuko's Uncle/the Mr. Miyagi of the series)
Any time that he is awesome. You are dying of alcohol poisoning.
Or, seriously, if he mentions tea or kicks someone's ass.

Toph (Earthbender who teams up with Aang; comes later, so this is only valid for Seasons 2 and 3)
Anytime a blind reference is made. By anyone.

Momo and Appa (Aang's pet lemur and flying bison (seriously), respectively)
Anytime that Momo steals or nabs something or we see a close up of his eyes. For Appa, every time that he growls.

Finally, a requirement for everyone.
Drink anytime that something happens to your character that just makes you go "OUCH!" And yes, Aang, you do have to drink at the start of every episode.

I'm actually pretty excited for Shyamalan's film. I have the feeling that critics won't love it so much, but who cares? They hated the A-Team. (Like, the writing and plot weren't great film-making there, but I had fun...and that's what matters). So I am going to go, and I will enjoy this film. And if I don't, I will go back home and rewatch the original cartoon with my friends. And get plastered while doing so. To forget.

Have a good night, and remember that I believe that Glasses Shots can save the world.

I don't need any calming shots! I need to capture the Avatar!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blade Runner

In the year 2019, Earth enters a really weird and messed-up, yet shockingly realistic, time. A time in which the rain never stops, robots can almost perfectly pass for humans, and Harrison Ford narrates in an intentionally drab and dull voice. Yes, skin-jobs, it's time to kick a couple back and watch Ridley Scott's Blade Runner.
 Classic, iconic poster...

The film is an odd and intriguing combination of film-noir and science-fiction. A detective story set in the distant future (or at least, distant for the film's release year, 1982...nowadays, 2019 seems right around the corner). Rick Deckard is a retired blade runner (basically a cool futurey term for a cop) who is called back on when several androids, known as replicants, infiltrate Earth. Deckard's mission is to find these potentially dangerous individuals and put them into their own retirement. Meanwhile, we watch as the replicants slowly reveal why they came to Earth in the first place. It taps perfectly into its film genres; the mystery and personal examination of Ford's Deckard perfectly mirrors the introverted minds of your typical Humphrey Bogart. On the other hand, the so-obscure-that-they-couldn't-have-any-practical-application-to-us-and-yet-why-can-I-identify-with-these-themes-so-much nature brings to mind some of the greatest science fiction, such as the works of Asimov or Scott Card.

Also, Harrison Ford drinks. A lot.

Which brings us to the actual point of this blog: drinking! And how it can make movies so much more entertaining!

 This is one, er, shot that many people will recognize. George Lucas stole it for the Star Wars prequels.

Now, one of the problems that you might encounter with getting your hands on and enjoying this film is just how many versions there are. It essentially boils down to two: the original theatrical cut, and the director's cut. However, these two movies are so so so different, that many consider them different movies. Now, I've only seen the theatrical cut, and as I understand, it is best to watch that one first, and then see the director's version. Or maybe it was the other way round?...Hell, let's just get out hands on a copy and drink.

There is one constant between the films, though: Deckard's drinking.

And thus, the rule is as follows:


For added rules, take a shot every time that Harrison Ford monologues (theatrical version only), every time that Gaff makes an origami animal, and every time that Roy Batty kisses someone. Smmmmooooooch.

But seriously, you'll be fine with just the first one.

Recommended drink: Whatever you can find around the house. Or maybe some more sake. After all, everything is Japanese in the future.

Enjoy drinking! And if you start seeing things, like, say, a tortoise walking across your floor...don't flip it upside down. It won't like that. Plus, humans wouldn't do that.

The only thing I let interrupt my eating is drinking...and lots of it!

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Karate Kid

The remake of "The Karate Kid" hits theaters today. And unfortunately, you're not allowed to bring alcohol into a movie theater. If you were, though, you could take a shot for every time that the new version is outdone by the original, or for every moment that the karate and fights look completely choreographed. Hell, you can just play it by watching the trailer, and you would still at least get buzzed.

Still, I'm always one for finding an excuse to rewatch a classic film, and so that is why I recommend watching the original 1984 film.
 Oh, yeah, there was an original, wasn't there?

After all, this film is not only a classic, but it is a damn good film. Pat Morita conveying an intriguing and ass-kicking mentor/father-figure, Ralph Macchio conveying just the right levels of awkward teenager to make us relate to the guy, and Elisabeth Shue conveying the right...well, what guy wouldn't have wanted to have her as their high school sweetheart? Meanwhile, we've got a typical 80's villain (hey, the formula worked; we all wanted to see Dan kick Johnny's ass), 80's music, 80's's an 80's film. And it is glorious.

 Do not attempt this game near large bodies of water.

Of course, all the 80's culture, the stuff that we in the 2000's mock and parody, makes for some pretty good drinking material. So grab yourself some alcohol and get drinking.

Take a shot when:
- Someone is wearing a cut-off tee or awkwardly short shorts.
- There's a montage.
- You wish you had Pat Morita for a father-figure.
- And take a shot of sake or something strong whenever Dan drinks the sake. Just so you feel his same choking reaction.

Recommended Drink:
Well, you could always have some sake on hand, like what Dan and Mr. Miyagi drink. But frankly, anything will work. In fact, you might want to go with something lighter and just get buzzed, so that you don't miss the thrilling conclusion to this film.

Watching the film, I can frankly say that it was one of the most relateable films of all time. How could I not identify with the main character? After all, I'm ass-kicking, old and wise, and I'm teaching you all the secret arts of drinking game. I might as well change my name to Miyagi. In fact, I plan to. Right after clipping my Bonsai trees.

Updates will keep coming, but for now, I've got to jacket off...wait, that's the new one...I've got to wax off. See you!

"Man who catch fly with chopsticks can accomplish training the Million Dollar Baby! That be a much better film, hai!"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Plan 9 From Outer Space

My friends, tonight, in the future, you shall enjoy yet another drinking game. Eventually you will play this game, in the future, and it will affect your futures. My friends, I shall warn you; the testimony of we who have seen it, including me, shows that this film is stupid. Stupid stupid. And yet you shall watch it in the future, for that is when you do stuff not now. My friends, prepare to drink your way through "GRAVE ROBBERS PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE!"

 I think some people could honestly take shots at just the cover.
This film is the definition of craptastic. The only redeeming qualities in this movie are those qualities that equal suck. It is my understanding that Ed Wood's film is actually what Einstein's Theory of Relativity symbolizes. Don't believe me? See the math yourself:

And if you think that I just did atrocities to Physics...see the movie. I cannot spoil you on the pure...pain that the film's science will force you through.

And seeing the movie is, again, not too difficult. Hunt it down online, see if you can find an old DVD somewhere, or, if you have Netflix (I should really just sign a sponsorship deal with them, I endorse them so much), you can instantly stream it.
Now, this game is played a little differently than others. After all, there is so much crap worth drinking to, that any normal person would die of alcohol poisoning from drinking water to it. Thus, it is divided into different sections. Each person chooses a different section before playing, and then drinks accordingly.

Drink every time that he informs us of something that either is redundant or completely ignores the "show, don't tell" rule of writing.
Recommended for: Anyone who wants to be drunk right at the start.

Drink every time that the spaceship goes flying through the sky. And ONLY the sky. That is enough. If you want to drink double, every time that it shows the spaceship in general. Also, take a double any time that the string holding the ship up is really, really obvious.
Recommended for: Someone who likes alcohol.

Drink every time that the aliens call humans "idiots," "morons," "stupid," or any other synonym. And if, say, they use the same word three times in a row...that's three shots.
Recommended for: All of you...IDIOTS!!!!!!!! who want to start drinking a little later in the show.

Drink every time that someone mentions some sort of gizmo or other. Electrode, Dictorobitery, or, my personal favorite, the Decomposure Beam.
Recommended for: Another late gamer. Not a designated driver.

Drink every time that it switches between day and night in a scene.
Recommended for: No one. You will die.

That's all for tonight. Prepare to be wowed by the pure majesty of Ed Wood. As for me, I must be off, but I will write up a new the future!
I don't think we'll see them again, but there could be others like them....

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Super Mario Bros. Movie/Super Mario Bros. Super Show

Super Mario Galaxy 2, the latest entry in Nintendo's Mario franchise, hit shelves this week, to rave reviews! Drinks all around!

Now, it's time to remind everyone of some low points in the Mario franchise: the movie and the TV series. Drinks...all...around...

 You moronic mustachioed mooks...
The first of these was the 1989 TV show, the "Super Mario Bros Super Show." Captilalizing on the love of the Mario games, this show no doubt was loved by kids, but hated by adults. Frankly, it is bad. It is very very bad. The show starts off with a live-action segment (which is bad), segways into a animation segment (which is also bad...the animation can be decent at times for a 1989 show, but it's usually pretty bad), and then finishes off the live-action section (again, bad). In fact, the only truly enjoyable part of the show is the end credits, both because it shows you that your torment is over. Also, the song that plays ("Do the Mario") is actually somewhat catchy. It's at least a good deal better than the opening song which is...oh, I don't want to spoil it. You'll have to watch it yourself, a feat that is frankly, pretty easy. Not only are the DVDs around, but if you have access to Netflix, you can instantly stream it.

In order to make the show enjoyable, alcohol is recommended.

Take a Shot Whenever:
--There is something sterotypically Italian. This includes any mention of pasta or pizza, making puns with Italian words, or Mario just loving being lazy. Merely taking a shot at any mention of pasta would probably be enough.
--Every time that some one uses an insult that has both words start with the same sound (an alliterative affront, if you will). Examples: Crazy Koopa, Miserable Mushroomheads, Pathetic Pasta-lovers (take two on that one), Stupid Stupid Stupid Supposedly Super get it.

In the end, though, this show can be enjoyable on the right levels of drink. Just avoid Episode 4, though. It''s just...that one is no good.

If you'd rather spread out your drinking though, you can always brave the "Super Mario Bros" movie from 1993.

...Good luck.

 Just looking at this, you know something's wrong...

The movie is crap. It is utter crap. Like as a kid, I would probably have enjoyed the "Super Show," simply because it at least resembled the games. This has literally no similarities with the game. And it is bad. It is just oh so bad. Like, "Office" season finale levels of bad. This movie should be the final boss in the next Mario game. It should be run repeatedly for high-level criminals as an alternative to the death penalty (they might take the latter). Bob Hoskins and John Leguizimo (Mario and Luigi, respectively) are probably still recovering from this movie. This is probably what gave Dennis Hopper (King Koopa) the ca...the...the pros...never mind. Too soon....

Anyway, good luck enjoying the movie. I was told that a gang of drunk college kids watched it, and they still hated what was happening. But, if you think that you can take it, go ahead.

Take a Shot When:
--You feel like it.
--When someone yells at a fungus.
--When something is not at all like the games (Goombas are...towering, tiny-headed, reptile thingies...???)
--When the Bob-omb shows up...'cause everyone loves that Bob-omb.

Enjoy! And please be safe. And until next time, "DO THE MARIO!!!"
Take one step, and then again...

Monday, May 10, 2010


Alright, so two weeks ago (yes, I know, I'm supposed to have a new post every week...I was just busy, and...if you keep criticizing...I swear, I will leave you!), I posted a non-too-flattering review/drinking-game for James Cameron's Avatar. Later, after perhaps indulging in the game myself, I went on a drunken tirade against Cameron, and, in my intoxication, stated that I would stop him from ever creating this film, which threatens to doom all future film-making.
Fortunately, I found the capability to do so in an old abandoned warehouse that happened to be behind my apartment. Yes, folks, I discovered a time-machine.
Utilizing its power, I warped back in time to prevent James Cameron's mother from ever giving birth to him. Unfortunately, one of those creepy dorks who have decided to worship the Na'Vi and Eywa and Yoda and all that came back in time as well, with the intent to stop me. Even more unfortunately, he managed to stop me. I managed to escape back to my own time, with my life.
The downside to the adventure is that movie-making could still be doomed. The upside is that Mrs. Cameron told her son James about the story, and it gave him a pretty good story idea, which he would later turn into a movie: the 1984 classic, Terminator. Even better, that movie also lends itself to some pretty awesome drinking.
 Ah'm gonna take a shot...lollerskates!
In case you don't know (and I pity you), The Terminator is commonly renowned as one of the greatest films of all time. Mind-bending and kick-ass, it's the iconic Ahnold Schwarzenahgger movie. It's basically the Governator and Michael Biehn blasting the shit out of each other for a good, long movie. And you get to see Linda Hamilton naked. Good times.
The plot is also a sci-fi dream. Robots of the future, ruling our kind, send back the most dangerous cyborg possible (Schwarzenegger) to eliminate Sarah Connor (Hamilton), so that she will not give birth to her son, the future savior of humanity. Fortunately, the humans send back their own agent (Biehn) to stop the Terminator and save Sarah. Pure awesome.
With the constant action and amazing 80's feel (the Technoir...yeah, I go to those when I want to get down), it is just so open for drinking. Enjoy!

 Not if I take it first!
Drink whenever:-Ahnold says something
-Someone steals a car. Take a small shot when someone steals a motorbike. Take two if someone takes a semi.
-Every gun that someone goes through. They go through a lot.

Recommended drink:
Either go along with Ahnold's transformation (take something clear like Vodka and segway to something red, like a Cran-Citron, after he gets the iconic Terminator eye). Or you could make what is called the Terminator (Jagermeister and Southern Comfort).

Enjoy, and stick around for next week. I'll be...returning.
Be careful when can't take as much as a cyborg.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

James Cameron's Avatar

Sorry about the late update, college has been hitting me hard with finals. This does, however, lead to a lot more drinking, and that means a lot more stuff that belongs here.

In honor of its recent DVD/Blu-ray release, and the millions of environmentalists/special-effects-geeks/people-who-like-the-fact-that-it-has-an-environmental-message who will buy it, I present to you the James Cameron's Avatar drinking game.

 Haha, BLUE-ray...durrrrrrrrr....

For those of you unfamiliar, Avatar is the latest James Cameron film, and is a huge hit. It tells the story of how this really, really lucky bastard named Jake manages to save the world. Up until this point, it's like my autobiography. The part where it diverges a little is the fact that the world Jake saves is not Earth, but rather a perfect utopia being ravaged by the evil humans. The story also diverges from mine in that it got a whole lot of viewers (bringing in over 2.7 billion dollars), whereas I can really only get my girlfriend to read my blog. It's a good thing that it made so much money, though; the environmentalist, anti-corporate message was what brought people in, and, in tribute to that, Fox Studios decided to send all of the budget to preserving the rainforest. They even commissioned a sequel (and maybe a threequel?), so that they can save all the executives, er, rainforests.

In case you can't tell, I wasn't as thrilled with the film as most people. I found the effects to be absolutely stunning, but that was it. The story moved along at a pretty depressing pace, and the morals and messages just felt like James Cameron was dropping parallels and metaphors that really didn't apply ("shock and awe," indeed...). It was rather enjoyable, I'll give it that. The action scenes were pretty epic and the acting was pretty solid (especially considering the pure cheesiness of many of the lines; I still can't believe that Sigourney Weaver didn't burst out laughing when talking about how "the trees are their treasure" or whatever). But the film really was nothing too great; in a couple years, when all effects look that good, the film will be nothing terribly special.

Still, the film opens itself up for drinking, and that's what makes a movie truly great.

 If you can't get it up to this, it's just the alcohol...or just that...yeah, she's kind of...seriously, who is actually jerking off to this? Come on, people.

-Jake disobeys orders. This includes touching things in the forest (which they told him not to), getting up and running with his Avatar body before he's supposed to (in the real world, where things actually go wrong for people, he would have broken it), and any time that he could have talked to the Na'Vi and seen if they would let the humans get at the Unobtanium (which was the whole point of Jake's MISSION!!!)
-Any time the movie is similar to Dances With Wolves or Disney's Pocahontas.
-Any time that the movie drops a line about how the trees need to be saved, or that corporations are evil, or anything like that.

Make a blue mixer of some sort. Although, no matter what I recommend, if something is labeled with the name "James Cameron," you're going to buy it. That's just how it works.

Jake and Neytiri...taking a shot!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

New Family Guy

A bit of a late post this week, mainly due to just plain forgetting. It's approaching finals week, which means all the more reason to play one of these games. Fortunately, getting the post out late really doesn't matter, as this is a drinking game for Sunday night. Specifically at 9:00 PM, EST, on Fox.

Yes, it is time to actually make the new episodes of Family Guy enjoyable.

 Sounds like a solid plan to me!

Don't get me wrong, Family Guy used to be a good show. It was enjoyable, it was fresh. These days, though, the show has just sunk into the same-old, tedious, predictable cesspool of boring that is what happens when Seth MacFarlene thinks that something is funny and it just plain isn't.

Fortunately, predictability is something that drinking games are formed on, and so this makes for a damn good game.
I vote for change. Change back to the standards the show used to have.

Drink when:
-Someone breaks into song. For every 30 seconds that that song goes on, take another shot. If, at the end of that song, you found that you did not laugh once, take another shot.
-The show uses clearly recycled animation or live-action. For every 30 seconds that this sequence goes on, take another shot.
-Take a shot if Conway Twitty shows up.
-Take a shot if Herbert the Pedophile shows up.
-Take a shot when there is some sort of liberal rant or propaganda. Take two if Brian is delivering it.'
-Take a shot when they make a "Stewie is gay" joke.

With the standard episode nowadays, you will have taken about15 shots in the matter of a half-hour. Note: This is a bad idea. Still, if someone got hurt, perhaps the blame could go to the show for sucking so badly. Maybe then it would convince them to cancel the show, and attempt to move onto something more innovative and fresh. Like The Cleveland Show. A totally different take on the Family Guy concepts. Unlike Family Guy, it features a fat dad, a talking and uber-intelligent baby, talking animals, and random cut-away gags...oh...well, at least all there's are black. Different in every way.

Recommended Drink: Something strong. Or beer. So you don't die.

If any of your friends start to look like this guy, feel free to punch them.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings comes out on Blu-ray today! The complete epic series! All over 9,000 hours of footage! In High Definition!

 Because drinking isn't actually making you drunk, unless it's in Hi-Def.

For some of us, this means nothing. Because some of us don't have the money to get Blu-ray players. But some of those people have roommates with PS3's. But should those roommates leave, the PS3 leaves too. Unless the roommate is dead...hmm...

But enough about people who are definitely not me, and their non-HD life! It's time to drink with all the folks of Middle-Earth!

 Even the poster has a sprawling scenery shot...just look at that lower left.

There are many rules that can be added to this movie to make it more enjoyable (because everything's better with alcohol). Pick and choose, though.

Drink every time that:
-Someone puts on the ring.
-Sam says "Frodo" or "Master Frodo!"
-There is a sweeping shot of New Zealand...two shots if there's a castle in the shot.
-Gollum says "My precious."
-Gimli says something comic-relief-esque, or clearly intended to be.
-Legolas does something bordering on the absurd (not running out of arrows at certain moments counts).
-Aragorn teases Eowyn. As in acting so much like he wants to be in her dress, but really doesn't all along. (Can you blame the girl for being confused?)
-and finally, my personal favorite, every time that Gandalf yells at/hits/scolds/insults/degrades/beats somebody.

Enjoy drinking! Although if the trip to the liquor store is miles and miles through mountains, mines, and other perils...maybe you should just ask your neighbors if they'll lend you any vodka.

Recommended drink: Miruvor

One drink to intoxicate them all, one drink to...shomthing er uther....

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Super Mario

Right Nintendo players, both past and present, it is time to bust out a gaming system and play a Mario drinking game.

 Itsa time to a-put-a on-a my drinking cap!

There is only one rule for drinking in a Mario game: drink every time that Mario (or any other playable character) falls down a pit.

This may sound like too simple of a game, but the complexity lies in the vicious cycle that it presents. You have to consider that it includes those who are playing the game.

Thus, once Mario falls down a pit, not only will those happy little "you died" chords play, but the player will take a shot. And then they will fall down another. And take a shot. And then, the alcohol will lead them down another pit. To take another shot. To increase the chances of falling down a pit. To take a shot.

I am begging you that you pass out at some point. This is easily one of those games that could result in death.

 You're going to want to drink now, anyway, to forget this horror.

Recommended games: Any one that has multiplayer, so that more people jump down more pits. Especially recommended is the recent "New Super Mario Bros Wii", in which the multiplayer happens at the same time. 4 players at one time=much falling=much alcohol=much fun.

Enjoy, and mamma mia, please play safe.

Recommended drink: Something italian. Maybe wine. That way it'll also be safer. Trust me, it just requires a buzz, and then stuff will get awesome.

Thank you so much for to playing my game!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Boondock Saints

In a little bit of a late honors of St. Patrick's Day (I'm only off by a week), I present to you a drinking game for Troy Duffy's "The Boondock Saints."

Now, "The Boondock Saints" is already a classic installment in the franchise of drinking films. The traditional version involves taking a shot every time that a character says "fuck". With it's 246 uses of the word, it's no surprise that viewers are hammered around the 30-minute mark. Aided by the unbelievable lull that the movie hits around the halfway point, I'm pretty certain that most people are asleep by the end.

Playing the same old drinking game is also dull, though, so here are a couple suggestions for different ways to drink your way to happiness.

Take a shot:

-Every time that there is a fade-out. You'll actually be wasted by the end of the opening credits.

-Every time that one of the brothers' 'Irish accents' slips.

-Anytime that, despite this movie being hinged on the "Suspension of Disbelief" principle, you still can't help thinking "Bullshit." (I'll accept swinging from a rope and taking out 8 gangsters...back-alley deaths in a dangerous Boston Neighborhood on St. Patrick's Day not only making the front page of the Boston Herald, but also instantly dragging in FBI investigators? Say it with me now, in an Irish accent, if you please. Bull-sheet. And don't get me started on Willem Dafoe's convincing disguise...if you haven't seen the movie, you'll know it when you see it.)

Recommended Drink:

Nothing too heavy, but nothing too light either. It's not quite as much as the "fuck" version, but it's still a considerable amount of alcohol going into your system. Play to your weight. Maybe go with something Irish, in honor of the movie's love. Or maybe vodka, to commemorate the Russians that are being slaughtered.

How This Is Gonna Go Down

Giving you the basic premise in a first post: this is a website devoted to establishing drinking games, based on movies, video-games, music, or simple activities, many of which are along the lines of something geeky or nerdy.

As such, I feel it only appropriate to start with off with this recommendation: read this entry, and take a shot of some sort of drink every time that I use the word 'shot,' 'alcohol,' or 'drinking game.'

Exactly What Is This?
As iterated at the top, this is a blog devoted to bringing readers such as you drinking games
(drink). In case you aren't aware, drinking games (drink) are a form of entertainment during which participants watch a movie, TV show, or anything along those lines. At certain, predefined points, participants will take a shot (drink) of some sort of alcohol (drink), usually harder varieties.
For example, one very popular drinking game
(drink) is to watch The Boondock Saints, and take a shot (drink) every time that a character drops the f-bomb. Most viewers are unconscious by the 30-minute mark, which might explain why everyone thinks that that movie is such a masterpiece.

Why make this blog?
Well, for one thing, these games can be pretty awesome. For example, my friends and I actually played one based on Nickelodeon cartoon "Avatar: the Last Airbender," for my 21st birthday party. It was pretty awesome, actually. It also just goes to show how far the realm of drinking games
(drink) can go. I mean, there's potential for a "Dora the Explorer" drinking game for Pete's sake!
Drinking games (drink) aren't just a way to get wasted, though. They're a way to make commentary, note specific film-making and acting styles, and even rip apart shows and movies for their flaws.

Anything I Should Know Before Playing the Games?
First off, I'm just gonna put out the disclaimer here: these are mostly joking. Many of the games involved are going to involve absurd amounts of drinking. I am not saying that you should not play any of the games, but I am asking that you use discretion. I am not taking responsibility for anything that might happen. I don't want to get people suing me because Jimmy Frat-boy here had to go to the hospital, because he watched "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" and took a shot (drink) every time that John Connor is a complete moron, as opposed to the badass savior that he's supposed to become. He should have known his limits. You should probably be more concerned that Jimmy was watching that piece of shit in the first place.
On that note, it should be noted that this blog will contain language, sexual references, and perhaps even some violent descriptions of what should be done to Kevin Smith for what he did in "Clerks II." (Hint: I did not like that movie.) As such, anyone who is very young or innocent, please leave the building now.
After all, this is, as well, a site with much basis in alcohol (drink). Please, be as law-abiding as possible. I am not going to take responsibility if some 13 year old punk decided to be cool and play one of these games with a bottle of
Jägermeister. Please drink responsibly.
Lastly, enjoy this site. And feel free to leave me comments and suggestions. Input is always a welcome thing.